- Describe the ways in which trees and shrubs differ.
- Collect and identify typical leaves from 15 different species of trees. Spread neatly, press dry, mount, and label in a suitable notebook or on uniform‑size sheets of paper.
- Know your specimens from memory and upon request be able to identify similar specimens in the field.
- Name two examples each of trees that have been named for:
- What they are used.
- The surroundings or environment in which they grow.
- Some distinctive feature.
- The geographic region in which they live.
- Persons who first found and described them.
- Give the common name and tell the difference between the two great classes of trees.
- Describe the importance of forest conservation in your area.
- Name several examples of the kinds of wood used in each of the following:
- Flooring for houses
- Common plywood
- Furniture
- Ax handles
- Fence posts
- Railroad ties
- Support beams for construction work
- Bows and arrows
- Ideal for use as kindling
- Burn slowly and leave a bed of hot coals
- Name two examples of each of trees which:
- Grow best in wet or marsh places
- Grow best at high levels in mountains