- Note three characteristics of shrubs that distinguish them from trees and herbs. Why is a grape vine sometimes regarded as a shrub?
- Name three important wild or cultivated food shrubs of your locality. Name a shrub that produces edible nuts.
- Name two cultivated shrubs and two wild shrubs of your locality that produce showy flowers.
- Do most shrubs blossom in the spring, summer, or autumn? Name one shrub whose flowers oepn before the leaves appear.
- What parasitic shrub frequently used for indoor decoration grows on the high branches of different kinds of trees?
- Give an example of a shrub whose leaves in autumn turn from green to brilliant shades of yellow, orange, or red.
- Observe some shrub which is in bloom and list as many kinds of insects as you can (at least three) which come to its blossoms for pollen or nectar.
- From what shrubs do birds prefer to eat the fruit or seeds? Name a shrub which attracts hummingbirds.
- In what shrubs do birds prefer to build their nests?
- Collect, preserve, and correctly identify the flowers, leaves, seeds, seed pods, or twigs with buds of ten wild shrubs.