- Understand the meaning and memorize I Corinthians 3:16 and learn the song “Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary.”
- Know the name of your church and write the address. As a club, draw a mural with the church in the center and include each Adventurer’s house in relation to your church, naming all roads and streets as a map to the church.
- Who is your pastor and what is his/her responsibility? Ask the following questions:
- Why did you decide to become a pastor?
- At what age did you decide to become a pastor?
- Was there something that happened in your life that caused you to want to be a pastor?
- Can I be a pastor, if God calls me?
- How can I prepare for a life to serve God? f. How can I be a minister right now?
- Draw the floor plan of your church. If your church has the following, label them on your map:
- Sanctuary
- Church Office
- Your Sabbath school room
- Fellowship Hall
- Restrooms
- Adventurer Room
- Community Service Room
- What is a church board and what is its function?
- Name ten members on the church board. What position(s) do they hold?
- Explain how you can help God in your church every week, starting this week.
- Exodus 25:8
- Parents should help their children.
- Make a list of questions for your pastor prior to arrival. Examples are listed.
- Leader, give the Adventurers a tour of the church. Then have the Adventurers act as tour guides to the different rooms or areas of the church. Next, ask the Adventurers to label a pre-drawn map of the church inserting the different rooms into the correct localities.
- Invite the pastor and board members to model a board meeting during an Adventurer club meeting. Optional – role-play a board meeting using a child-friendly agenda. Ask the Adventurers to pretend to be adults sitting as active members on a board. Optional – have a staff meeting so the Adventurers may see all that goes into getting a meeting ready for them. (Suggestion: On the Adventurer Sabbath, say “Thank you for guiding our church.”)
- Discuss work done, type of personality and experience needed for each position. Help the Adventurers choose different people for interviewing. Create a list of questions together and use them while interviewing. Think about the following:
- Talk about each position and explain each role and the service given to God. (Most church positions are volunteer.)
- What position would each child prefer most? Why?
- Discuss with the children how to prepare for a life of service dedicated to God. Discuss what kind of education would help each child prepare for their favorite job
- Children should help the teacher by leaving each room neat and orderly after Sabbath school.
- Never leave stray items, paper, bulletins, hymnals, Bibles, or other items out of place in the Sanctuary as you leave the church service.
- Be helpful and cheerful to everyone you meet at church.