- Teach each child how to make several hand shadow pictures.
- Once they have learned to make the hand shadows, ask the following questions:
- Which hand shadow do you most enjoy?
- Which was the hardest to learn?
- Why was it more difficult?
- Were there some shadows that you couldn’t make?
- Let children discuss how they would teach this skill to other children.
- With the help of your leader, practice teaching others to make hand shadows.
- Teach someone how to make two or more hand shadows.
Supporting Answers
- Create light and shadow indoors with a flashlight attached to the back of a high-back chair, overhead projector, or lamp. Shine a light on the wall, screen, or bed sheet that is stretched tight. Hand shadows can be done outside with natural sunlight and a backdrop of your choice.
- Discuss the questions. Help them to understand how they learned best and that all people learn at different paces and in different ways.
- Work with the children to develop rules for teaching others how to make hand shadows. Rules should include:
- Asking the student how they learn best, such as listening to instruction, watching a leader, or doing it themselves.
- Be patient.
- Be kind and encouraging.
- Congratulate them when completed.
- Parent assistance would allow one-on-one attention for each child as they practice teaching.
- Teach hand shadows to another child or an adult.