It is essential that you plan to spend at least six months to a year working on this Honor. You must choose a date to start this Honor, and only projects started after this date will apply toward the Honor.
- Choose any two of the following and do them consistently for at least six months.
- Read the Junior Morning Devotional book each day.
- Faithfully study your Sabbath School lesson each week.
- Faithfully follow the Jr. Bible Year reading plan.
- Develop a personal prayer diary, listing people and requests you are praying for and answers to prayer.
- Plan and conduct at least one family devotion a week.
- Choose three from the following:
- Send five homemade cards with personal messages, poems, or Bible verses to people who are in need of encouragement.
- Visit ten or more people and invite them to a special church or Pathfinder event.
- Choose a friend and visit someone who was absent from Sabbath School or church. Take them a card and homemade treat. Have a sharing time about this experience with your family and pray for this person.
- For one month keep your bedroom clean, your bed made, and do at least three kindness projects for each parent that show that you love them.
- Collect fifteen left-over Guides and pass them out to absent Sabbath School members, children in hospitals, Laundromats, etc.
- Take a cassette recording of your pastor’s sermon and special music to a shut-in for three weeks.
- Call your pastor, church elder, or deacon and volunteer to help him with any task he wants you to do for a period of two hours each week for three weeks.
- Choose one of the following and do it with a group:
- Look for yards that need raking, and rake and bag their leaves. In the winter, shovel snow or split firewood. Leave a note and Steps to Christ. Accept no money.
- Plan a birthday party with games, presents, and treats at a nursing home for a patient who has a birthday close to yours.
- Get the whole family involved in a witnessing project, such as giving Bible studies, passing out Steps to Christ to motels, adopting a needy family, doing a work project for an elderly person.
- Read Matt. 25:35-40, then take a walk through your neighborhood and make a list of the needs of your neighbors. (Lonely, grass needs cutting, weeds need pulling, etc.) Go about taking care of as many needs as you can.
- Respond to a tragedy in your community by personally getting involved in reaching out to help the people.
- Make up your own adventure, which must involve three different times of two hours each.