Have the Intermediate Swimming Honor. With your counselor in stern and without assistance, row properly: A quarter of a mile (0.5 kilometer) on a straight…
Du må ha fullført kravene svømning III Forklar de viktigste sikkerhetsreglene for seiling. Du må vite hvordan forskjellig vær og bølger kan påvirke sikkerheten og…
Have the Advanced Beginner’s Level of the Swimming Honor. Know the laws regulating pleasure boating in your state or province. Know what hazards of weather…
(Instructor Required) Satisfactorily pass a standard SCUBA diving course taught by a certified SCUBA diving instructor. NOTE: The following are prerequisites. Be at least 15…
Demonstrate properly the following dives:* Swan Front somersault (tuck) Hall twist Demonstrate properly two of the following dives:* Sailor dive Half twist Cutaway Somersault…
Give three Bible principles and two Spirit of Prophecy principles to support exercise. Give a report on the correct diet to maintain peak physical condition…
Discuss with your instructor the meaning of the motto: “Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints.” Know the essentials of proper clothing, shoes,…
Have the Advanced Beginner’s Swimming Honor. Know and practice the following safety rules: Never ski at night. Never ski during an electrical storm. Always wear…
Forklar de FIVB hoved volleyballreglene. Hva betyr uttrykket «fair play» og hvorfor er det spesielt viktig for kristne å spille med «fair play»? Definer følgende…