Satisfy the examiner that you have knowledge of different types of kayaks (Slalom, river, touring, sea); the uses for each and the equipment necessary for…
Ha fullført kravene til Svømning III Redegjør for følgende kanoprofilers fordeler og ulemper: V-skrog U-skrog Rett kjøllinje Kano med spring Slank (spiss) stavn Butt stavn…
(Instructor Required) Know and practice the safety precautions that should be followed while rock climbing. Be familiar with and know the use of the following…
Know the difference between low-temp and high-temp enameling. Name the materials on which the low-temp process can be used. What is the proper method of…
Have the Intermediate Swimming Honor. With your counselor in stern and without assistance, row properly: A quarter of a mile (0.5 kilometer) on a straight…
Prerequisite: Tree Honor. Learn the proper use of the following common forestry tools and practice using them on trees in a forest. Record the information for…
Have the Advanced Beginner’s Level of the Swimming Honor. Know the laws regulating pleasure boating in your state or province. Know what hazards of weather…